Monday, August 13, 2018

A Catch 22

One of the most frustrating things about living with Fibromyalgia, is all of the catch-22's that come along with it.  My current dilemma is one that I know all of you with fibro, have faced as well.  When you're in a pain and fatigue flare, you seriously cannot do much of anything.  House work is out.  When housework is out, you end up with everything piling up into a whole ton of work.  Like, a pile of laundry:

and a sink full of dishes:

When we start coming out of a flare, we have so much work to do, to try and catch up.  But ....when we do that work, we end up pushing ourselves to get it all done, and then we find ourselves right back into flare mode again.  

It's such a never-ending process that is beyond frustrating.  This is where I've found myself for the past month.  My flare the past week has been horrible.  Fatigue like I haven't felt in some time.  Pain that even occurs while trying to sleep. Causing me to toss and turn the entire night as laying in one spot longer then about 20 minutes causes pressure point pain.  Hips scream in pain.  Arms, shoulders and neck screams in pain.

Once the flare ends, I'll be stuck picking up the slack that I can't control during this flare.  So I'm sure, I'll be right back in another flare within a day or two of this one ending.  I know every single one of you with fibro can relate.  I'm venting for all of us with this post!  I'm hoping to come up with some tips and ideas to make our lives easier and hopefully break this catch-22 cycle we're all stuck in!

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